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                                  Graph Unit 
                               BitBlt Operators 

      PURPOSE:  BitBlt operators for PutImage and SetWriteMode to determine
                the method to be used for screen updates.

      REMARKS:  Use these BitBlt operators with PutImage and SetWriteMode:

                          CopyPut   = 0;  { MOV }
                          XORPut    = 1;  { XOR }

                    Use these BitBlt operators with PutImage only:

                          OrPut     = 2;  { OR  }
                          AndPut    = 3;  { AND }
                          NotPut    = 4;  { NOT }

See Also: PutImage SetWriteMode
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson